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Close up of a buttonbush flower in full bloom

In Production

A Note About This List

This list is for the curious. It's not a promise, it's my practice.


As a small scale grower I'm at the whims of every normal garden woe - weather, pests or disease, even the variations of seed quality from year to year. This list includes every plant that I am currently nurturing to grow, from seeds in flats of soil, to young trees and shrubs selected from my wholesale native plant growers.

Even species that are easier to grow may still fall victim to a night of voracious slug feeding, or a dangerously windy night. I simply cannot guarantee any offering in a given year. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook all season long to see real time updates of plant availability, posted regularly as new species are released for sale.


  1. Allegheny Spurge

  2. Anise Hyssop

  3. Black Cohosh

  4. Black-eyed Susan

  5. Blue False Indigo

  6. Blue Flag Iris

  7. Blue Mistflower

  8. Blue Vervain

  9. Blue Wood Aster

  10. Boneset

  11. Bottle Gentian

  12. Brown-eyed Susan

  13. Calico Aster

  14. Cardinal Flower

  15. Common Blue Violet

  16. Common Milkweed

  17. Coral Bells

  18. Cream Violet

  19. Culver's Root

  20. Cup Plant

  21. Dense Blazing Star

  22. Dwarf Crested Iris

  23. Eastern Bluestar

  24. Eastern Prickly Pear

  25. Evening Primrose

  26. Foamflower

  27. False Sunflower

  28. Fringed Gentian

  29. Goat's Beard

  30. Golden Alexanders

  31. Golden Ragwort

  32. Great Blue Lobelia

  33. Green and Gold

  34. Green-headed Coneflower

  35. Helen's Flower

  36. Hoary Vervain

  37. Jack-in-the-Pulpit

  38. Jacob's Ladder

  39. Lance-leaf Coreopsis

  40. Lyre-leafed Sage

  41. New York Ironweed

  42. Nodding Onion

  43. Obedient Plant

  44. Orange Butterflyweed

  45. Panicled Aster

  46. Pink Milkweed

  47. Prairie Alumroot

  48. Purple Coneflower

  49. Purple Milkweed

  50. Scarlet Bee Balm

  51. Showy Goldenrod

  52. Solomon's Seal

  53. Spotted Bee Balm

  54. Narrowleaf Sundrops 

  55. Tall Larkspur

  56. Thimbleweed

  57. Trout Lily

  58. Trumpet Joe Pye Weed

  59. Virginia Bluebells

  60. White Beardtongue

  61. White Wood Aster

  62. Whorled Milkweed

  63. Wild Bergamot

  64. Wild Blue Phlox

  65. Wild Geranium

  66. Wild Ginger

  67. Wild Leek

  68. Wild Licorice

  69. Wild Strawberry

  70. Wingstem

  71. Wood Poppy

Pachysandra procumbens

Agastache foeniculum

Actaea racemosa

Rudbeckia hirta

Baptisia australis

Iris versicolor

Conoclinium coelestinum

Verbena hastata

Symphyotrichum cordifolium

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Gentiana clausa

Rudbeckia triloba

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum

Lobelia cardinalis

Viola sororia

Asclepias syriaca

Heuchera americana

Viola striata

Veronicastrom virginicum

Silphium perfoliatum 

Liatris spicata

Iris cristata

Amsonia tabernaemontana

Opuntia humifusa

Oenothera biennis

Tiarella cordifolia

Heliopsis helianthoides

Gentianopsis crinita

Aruncus dioicus

Zizia aurea

Senecio aureus/Packera aurea

Lobelia siphilitica

Chrysogonum virginianum

Rudbeckia laciniata

Helenium autumnale

Verbena stricta

Arisaema triphyllum

Polemonium reptans

Coreopsis lanceolata

Salvia lyrata

Vernonia noveborecensis

Allium cernuum

Physotegia virginiana

Asclepias tuberosa

Symphyotrichum lanceolatum

Asclepias incarnata

Heuchera richardsonii

Echinacea purpurea

Asclepias purpurascens

Monarda didyma

Solidago speciosa

Polygonatum biflorum

Monarda punctata

Oenothera fruticosa 

Delphinium exaltatum

Anemone cylindrica

Erythronium americanum

Eutrochium fistulosum

Mertensia virginica

Penstemon digitalis

Eurybia divaricata

Asclepias verticillata

Monarda fistulosa

Phlox divaricata

Geranium maculatum 

Asarum canadense

Allium tricoccum

Glycyrrhiza lepidota

Fragaria virginiana

Verbesina alternifolia

Stylophorum diphyllum


  1. American Hazelnut

  2. Bayberry

  3. Arrowwood

  4. Blackhaw

  5. Buttonbush

  6. Carolina Allspice

  7. Eastern Ninebark

  8. Elderberry

  9. Highbush Blueberry

  10. Highbush Cranberry

  11. Lowbush Blueberry

  12. Mapleleaf Viburnum

  13. Meadowsweet

  14. Pinxter Azalea

  15. Prairie Ninebark

  16. Pussy Willow

  17. Red Chokeberry

  18. Shrubby St. John's Wort

  19. Red Twig Dogwood

  20. Virginia Sweetspire

  21. Spicebush 

  22. Winterberry

Corylus americana
Myrica pensylvanica
Viburnum dentatum
Viburnum prunifolium
Cephalanthus occidentalis 
Calycanthus floridus
Physocarpus opulifolius
Sambucus canadensis
Vaccinium corymbosum 
Viburnum trilobum
Vaccinium angustifolium
Viburnum acerifolium
Spiraea alba
Rhododendron periclymenoides
Physocarus opulifolius
Salix discolor
Aronia arbutifolia 
Hypericum prolificum
Cornus sericea 
Itea virginica
Lindera benzoin
Ilex verticillata



  1. Eastern Redbud

  2. Canadian Serviceberry

  3. Flowering Dogwood

  4. American Plum

  5. Paw Paw

  6. Witch Hazel

Cercis canadensis

Amelanchier canadensis

Cornus florida 

Prunus americana

Asiminia triloba

Hamamelis virginiana


  1. Eastern White Pine

  2. Eastern Red Cedar 

  3. Sugar Maple

  4. Common Persimmon

  5. Wild Black Cherry

  6. Black Walnut

  7. Pin Oak

  8. White Oak

Pinus strobus

Junipersus virginiana

Acer saccharum

Diospyros virginiana 

Prunus serotina

Juglans nigra

Quercus palustris

Quercus alba


  1. Christmas Fern

  2. Marginal Wood Fern 

  3. Ostrich Fern

  4. Sensitive Fern

Polystichum acrostichoides

Dryopteris marginalis

Matteuccia struthiopteris

Onoclea sensibilis

Grasses & Sedges

  1. Big Bluestem

  2. Little Bluestem

  3. River Oats

  4. PA Sedge

  5. Prairie Dropseed

  6. Purple Lovegrass

Andropogon gerardii

Schizachyrium scoparium

Chasmanthium latifolium

Carex pensylvanica

Sporobolus heterolepis

Eragrostis pectinacea


For current plant availability throughout the growing season, follow us!

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